Life is good

Life is good

2021, May 01    

It’s Spring 2021 and we’re hopefully close to the end of this pandemic. All things considered, we’re very fortunate. Everyone we love is healthy and safe. Our daughter is a happy two year old and the best thing to happen to us. Looking forward to good times ahead.

Real Life ™

We received our first vaccine shot this week. Thank goodness. We’re looking forward to showing our daughter more to life - her entire first to second birthday has been shelter-in-place. If there was ever a time to go through a pandemic with a young child, before the age of 3 may be it. She is too young to start pre-school and while socializing her with other kids her age has been limited, we make sure she’s plenty engaged at home.

socially distant pool days

Socially Distant Pool Days

AWS Public Cloud Life

This is a static HTML site generated by Jekyll. I wanted a simple way to serve this site while maintaining the least amount of infrastructure and incurring the least amount of AWS spend.

  • Site hosting and delivery: AWS S3 and CloudFront
    • Pay for only what you use and free tier eligible for 12 months
  • Version Control and Deployments: Github
    • Free
  • Delivery: Terraform Cloud
    • Free

Deploying updates to my AWS account is achieved from git and Github. The process looks like this (yes, I like using bullet points):

  • Author Terraform templates
  • Commit and push to Github
  • Open a pull request which triggers Github Actions to perform a terraform plan on the feature branch
  • Review and approve the pull request which triggers a Github action to perform a terraform apply on the main branch